Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Be Beautiful Just Being You

There is a daily email that I get from Ras Robinson that is called "The Word for Today." I don't think he would mind if I passed it along to you. It really spoke to me today and I think it will speak to you as well. Enjoy!

What the Lord is Saying Today
Ras Robinson

December 28, 2005. Outside the coffee shop where I am spending time with God this morning there is a very tall and healthy cedar tree growing in the middle of a huge shopping center parking lot.. This tree stands totally alone, surrounded by pavement. The Lord spoke this: Be beautiful just being you. There will be times when you must stand alone. And as you do this, I will strengthen you, enliven you and cause you to draw attention to Me and My Kingdom. I want you to grow where you are planted. Some are intended for forest living and that is fine for them. But when I wanted someone rugged, strong, vibrant and who would stand tall and bold in a difficult situation, I chose you. You are my choice. Be beautiful just being you.

Joshua 1:7 "Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go.”

"Be beautiful just being you." What a powerful line! I was so encouraged when I read this. If you are anything like me you suffer from chronic "I don't measure up-itis!" I tend to compare myself with others and always fall short. I compare myself professionally and personally. I have to work very hard to appropriate God's Word concerning my identity in Christ.

It must be very difficult to not have God's Word in you to encourage, exhort and edify. Today, I'm so thankful for his word of truth and grace in my life. How about you?

Have an Amazing Day!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Dysfunctional Family Fun!

We all have them, we all love them and sometimes we all dread seeing them at Christmas. What am I talking about? Our lovable but dysfunctional family members! I truly mean it. We love them and if they were gone we would miss the strange and enigmatic things they do.

For me, it's the weird uncles or the martyr grandmother who insists on cooking and standing throughout the holiday meals. You have them too... and you love them as much as I love mine. One of my uncles has had a lot of problems throughout his life; alcoholism, joblessness and moving from one place to another. He's older now and has settled to a great degree. But I always loved his fun-loving and jovial spirit. He's the type that would always do anything for anyone.

I'll miss him this year as we will not be making the drive to my old home town... or perhaps we will. We haven't decided yet. What about you? Do those family members make you crazy or happy? I choose to laugh and enjoy those days of weirdness. It's what makes family... well... family.

As you travel for the Christmas holiday or as family comes to see you, I would simply ask that you would be thankful... even for the weirdness. To be truthful, you're probably pretty strange to them! Celebrate, laugh and enjoy the time!


Monday, December 05, 2005

Handling the Holiday Blues

Do you ever find yourself struggling with the "Holiday Blues?" It's interesting to me how the holiday season is supposed to be "the most wonderful time of the year," yet for many the Christmas season is a reminder of past abuse, loneliness, rejection, abandonment, disappointment and depression.

According to River Hills Health Care, Inc., here are some common holiday "blues" triggers: Loss of loved ones who are no longer around to share the holidays; Grown children who are unable or unwilling to visit or call due to their own holiday responsibilities; The extra stress of shopping, parties, cooking, visiting, house guests, and other holiday obligations; Tragedy or sadness from previous experiences during the holidays such as arguments, death, health problems, abuse or divorce; Change in social or family status such as the loss of a job.

So, how do we handle the holiday blues and stay focused on the real reason for the season? Here are seven tips for handling the challenges the holidays bring:

  1. Surround yourself with positive life-giving people - Joy is contagious, get around some "infected" people and catch the virus of joy. We become like the people we spend time with. The Bible notes that Barnabas' name means "The son of encouragement."
  2. Don't live in the past - Stop longing for "the good ole' days," they weren't as good as you think. We tend to have selective memory when it comes to the past. We forget about how conflicted we were at 17. We forget about hormones, acne, Stridex Pads and Clearasil! We hated 17 and yet we look back on those days and only remember the good things!
  3. Try something new - Make some new memories. Create new history and traditions. Do something you've never done before! Decorate your office, dorm room, apartment or house. Put up some lights!
  4. Keep you expectations realistic - Don't set the bar so high for your family, yourself and others. If you have a "perfect" Christmas experience in mind, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Your weird uncle who was at your house last year will still be weird this year! Face it, 99% of the families on the planet are dysfunctional. Learn to laugh and lighten up. It's a reality, so go with the flow and love them anyway and determine to laugh through the weirdness.
  5. Do something for someone else - Give cookies or goodies to someone who would never expect it. Surprise your coworkers with treats or small inexpensive gifts. Shock value is good!
  6. Don't go into debt - Communicate with your family and friends. Be honest with them. We made the decision to buy for the kids only. When you contact them about it they will probably be as relieved as you are. The holidays are more about family than presents.
  7. Feast on God's word not just holiday sweets - Enjoy your first cup of coffee with God and his word. There are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs. Read one proverb a day through the month of December. The Proverbs are short and practical sayings that are as relevant today as the day they were penned.
I hope this helps and encourages you this holiday season. It's my heart to give you hope for the holidays. The last thing we need are more Scrooges and Grinches this Christmas! Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season!

Have an Amazing Day!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Near Sighted or Far Sighted?

I don't know about you, but as I'm getting older (43 to be exact) my vision is not what it used to be. I recently had my eyes checked and the Doctor made this comment, "Do you wear bifocals?" I said, "No I don't." He then quipped, "You will." So, I just got my first pair of progressive bifocals. The world suddenly looks different. I can actually see details as I look at trees and signs that are far away. And reading! Wow, so that's what the texture of paper looks like! I'm discovering the value of clear vision!

We have been doing an "Extreme Makeover" on our church's mission and strategy. It has raised questions that not only apply to a company or an organization, but to an individual as well. Here are some key questions that might help you to see clearer:

What do I see in front of me? This is being near sighted. Be brutually honest and realistic with this one. Jim Collins says that we must be realistic about our current state in order to have a clear solution to bring positive change. Narrow your focus and give energy to what you do really well.

What do I see down the road? This is being far sighted. It's the big picture. Step back and be objective. Invite the input of those who you respect and who are wiser than you. I have been inviting the thoughts, opinions and questions of those around me lately and it is taking me to the next level. Beware, you have to have some level of personal security, because you are probably not where you think you are!

What do I want to become? This question must be forged out of prayer and a personal relationship with Jesus. Anything outside of this is "carnal" and "after the flesh." What is really important and what really matters?

What do I want to do? What are your dreams? What keeps you awake at night? What is keeping you from following your dream? Is it in line with God's revealed will?

Where do I want to go? i.e. in life in general. Not geographical location. Where do I need to go to accomplish my vision? What needs to change? Where do I need to change?

I hope this helps someone. It has brought clarity to our church's vision and my own personal vision as well. So, put on your glasses and let's get to work!

Have an Amazing Day!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Having a Good Day on Purpose!

Is your day happening to you or are you happening to your day? Its different for me from day to day. Today, I've decided I'm going to happen to my day. For me, it means making a quality decision to attack my day with zeal and enthusiasm!

Like you, I have a lot of things to get done. Some tasks are menial and some have great significance. Its easier for me to give more energy to the things that are significant. But today, I'm making a choice to give equal weight and effort to the little things. I don't want to miss one moment of this day.

I've decided to do away with the "got to's" and embrace everything today as the "get to's!" Enthusiasm is not only powerful, its contagious. As my vision for my mission on this planet continues to get defined and become clearer I'm finding that it energizes and empowers me to work with more clarity and purpose. I'm more intentional and focused. I'm living life on purpose!

It seems to be catching with those that I work with and do life with. I tell you what... let me sneeze on you with this thing called "purpose" and perhaps you will catch the germ! I'm feeling very contagious lately!

Have an Amazing Day!

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Running to Win!

Whether you realize it or not, you are running in an amazing race. Its the race of life. You have a lane assignment, a starting line, hurdles to negotiate and a finish line. In previous posts I've talked about the hurdles of disappointment and distraction.

Today I want to discuss "In order to win you must know where to begin." Most people have "Spiritual Writer's Block" in their walk of faith. They do not know how to run because they don't know how to start. I used to experience this problem in college when I was given the assignment of writing an essay or theme paper. When I could get the thesis sentence then the paper was effortless.

One principle that has helped me to run in my lane with passion and strength is "Clarify the Win." You have to define what's important and what really matters in a given situation or environment. For example what is the "Win" for your marriage, education, career, spiritual growth, leisure time, etc. If you don't know what the "win" is, then you won't be able to start the race. No target, no bull's-eye. No finish line, no direction. No goal, no score. No win, no clarity.

1 Cor 9:26 "So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step."

Here are three steps to "Clarifying the Wins" for your life, career, family, etc.
  1. Sum up your wins in a simple phrase.
  2. Keep your wins as specific as possible.
  3. Restate your wins frequently.
For example in my marriage my clarified win is: "Experiencing Life over Doing Life." In my career my clarified win is "Being a Minister over Doing Ministry." For my family it's "Quality of Family Relationships over Quantity of Material Things Gained."

I hope this helps. Clarifying your win will give you a target to shoot at and a finish line to run to. Be blessed, be encouraged and run your race to win!

Have an Amazing Day!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Handling the Hurdle of Distraction

Do you ever get distracted? Of course you do and so do I. Distraction causes you to lose focus and when you lose focus you lose momentum. It takes you off your rhythm and pace and causes you to lose your stride in this amazing race called life.

According to the AC Nielson Co., the average American watches 3 hrs and 46 minutes of TV everyday. That's more than 52 days of non-stop TV watching per year!

In a very real sense, distraction is our cultures number one past time. Entertainment is all about distraction. I call it "Vegging." You know turn on the TV, check out a video, surf the net, hit a golf ball, work out, leave town for a day or two. All of us have our way of escaping the here and now.

However, when it comes to running the race of life, distraction can be a very real weapon that the Enemy can use to knock you out of the race.

Here's a simple "true-ism:" Distraction produces In-action.

In the Bible, the writer of Philippians, Paul, puts it this way, "I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." Phil 3:13 (NLT)

Paul gives us two practical ways to handle the hurdle of distraction: 1) Don't look back and 2) Look forward to what is ahead. Simple, practical, relevant.

What are the negative distractions that are causing you to lose your focus and momentum? Identify them and talk to God about them. That's called confession. Ask God to help you remove the distractions and look forward to what is ahead. "This too shall pass!" You will make it! You can do it with God's help!

As for me? I'm not looking back and I'm choosing to stay focused on what's in front of me.

Have an Amazing Day!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Enjoying the Season

I don't know about you, but I enjoy the changing of the seasons. I especially enjoy the change of summer to fall... Cooler temperatures, falling leaves, football, and oh yes... Coffee tastes so much better when it's cool out side!

Seasons happen to us spiritually as well. We move from difficult seasons to seasons of rest and grace. I've made a simple observation about seasons; they come and they go. The old cliche "This too shall pass" has helped me to remember in the midst of a difficult season that another season is on the way. Just as environmental seasons don't last forever, so too spiritual seasons come and go.

I've been in a difficult season lately. However, the tides of change are swinging my way and I sense a fresh season of grace coming. I'm refreshed, hopeful and encouraged.

How about you? Have you been in a difficult season lately? Take courage, it will pass and a new season is on it's way!

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Eccl 3:1

Have an Amazing Day!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ever Been Disappointed?

Have you ever been disappointed? If you're breathing and have a pulse you have been disappointed. The definition of disappointment is a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized. Yep... you've been there and so have I.

Okay, if we admit that we've all been disappointed and that we will inevitably be disappointed again, then we have to determine whether we will become "Bitter or Better." It's your choice. That's right... you're response to disappointment is your choice. No one can "make" you bitter. Yes, disappointment will come, but you have the power to choose your response.

So, who are you disappointed with? Most will be quick to name a parent, a spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or co-worker. However, some of us find ourselves disappointed with God. Now, what do you do with that? If I admit this one, I could get struck by lightening or even worse... what would others think about me?

I've been a Christian for about a quarter century and I've learned that God is big enough to handle my questions, doubts, failures, and disappointments... even in Him. Here are a few things I've learned about dealing with disappointment:

  • Keep a Growth Mindset - be determined to learn and grow from the situation.
  • Glean the Truth - "Teach me Lord through this, don't let this be wasted."
  • Choose to be Better - It's your choice... choose life!
From time to time I too find myself disappointed... yes, even with God. However, my choice to be better and not bitter has helped me to keep perspective in the midst of it all. It's like a buffer that absorbs the blow of disappointment. How's your buffer?

Rm 5:5 "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

Have an Amazing Day!

Monday, October 24, 2005

On A Learning Curve!

One of the most impacting (and freeing) things I have learned lately is to admit I need help. I was thinking/praying about this and the Lord impressed me with these words,

"Don't get overwhelmed, get help."

It's amazing how long we will insist on "going it alone." I find it interesting that even the demons in the Bible know enough to go and get 7 that are more powerful than themselves to help out in a crunch. Not us! No, we wallow around in self-pity and depression until "the pain of same outweighs the pain of change."

Do you have a small group of people that you can go to when the bottom drops out? I lead a small group in our church. We are just learning how to do life together... not too deep or intense, just doing life. Today, I received a call from one of our group members. His mother has been diagnosed with cancer and will have surgery this afternoon. Instead of getting overwhelmed, he got help. I prayed with him over the phone and will be at the hospital later. That's doing life.

If the bottom drops out from under you, do you have a group around you? Who are you going to turn to? One powerful and life giving alternative is get in a small group. For me, it's critical. I'm getting help... are you?

Have an Amazing Day!

A Family Affair

We had our whole family with us this weekend... I call it blessed chaos! In the middle of shattering glass (a candle fell off the TV with a little help from my grandson Carter!), crying babies, and too many people in too small a space I paused and laughed! "I am so blessed!" Both of my adult children and their spouses are strong in their walk with Jesus and they are bringing their children up in godly homes. My little Rachel (5 years) doesn't hesitate to pray... for any and everything! My wife, Annette, and I are on the same page spiritually... I'm just so thankful!

Speaking of family... our church had a picnic outreach yesterday. We fired up some grills and cooked hamburgers for 350+ people. The weather did not cooperate so we moved the whole operation inside. In spite of the weather we had many visitors and guests. It was a sweet time of meeting new families and making acquaintances. It was a "win" for the whole church. Our people came through strong by serving with joy and enthusiasm. We have a great spiritual family.

We also had our first small group meeting last night. We call them "Community Groups." It was amazing! We had a wonderful time sharing about overloaded schedules and how to gain "margin" in our overcrowded schedules. We are making a one year commitment as a group. I'm looking forward to growing, praying, crying, laughing and doing life together. The whole thing is about relationships over information. What a joy!

Have an Amazing Day!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Relief for the Rat Race

If you haven't noticed, a lot of people are on overload and headed for a crash

Did you know people sleep 2.5 fewer hours a night than people did a hundred years ago? We spend eight months of our lives opening junk mail. We spend two years of our lives playing phone tag. You will spend five years of your life waiting for people who are late!

Life in the Rat Race is being 30 minutes late to the doctor's office because you were 20 minutes late getting out of the hairdresser because you were 10 minutes late dropping the children off at school because the car ran out of gas two blocks from a gas station and you forgot your purse!

If overload is the disease then "Margin" is the cure

Margin is the space between the Load and the Limit. Margin is having breath at the top of the staircase, money at the end of the month, and sanity left over at the end of adolescence. Margin-less is not having time to finish the book you're reading on stress. Margin is having the time to read it... twice!

What about you? Are you overloaded, stretched thin, stressed to the breaking point? Then Margin is the answer.

So what do we do? How can we carve out Margin for our lives?

Margin is gained by:
  • Learning to say "No." This simple word will add years to your life!
  • De-cluttering your life. Eliminate and concentrate. Too many choices translates into stress and overload.
  • Spending quality time with God. Ps 23:1-3 "He leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul."
May God bless and help you discover the value of Margin!

Have an Amazing Day!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Value of Relationships

You really cannot put a dollar amount on the value of relationships. I am so thankful for those individuals who are in my life, in my stuff, in my business, and helping me to knock off the rough edges. God uses life giving and fulfilling relationships as well as difficult and conflict oriented moments to mold and shape me. I don't always like it, but I so want to be ever learning and ever growing.

How about you? Do you find yourself frustrated and flustered over relational conflict? Pressure reveals leaks and heat reveals cracks in our lives. God uses these heated moments to expose things in us that need tending. It never feels good, but it is so necessary. I don't look for conflict, but when it comes I am determined to not allow it to be wasted.

The risk of conflict does not compare to the joy and fulfillment that meaningful relationships bring to me. I choose to "take the chance" to grow deeper and broaden in my friendships. Have you been hurt? Have you been wounded? Chances are if you have a pulse and breath, you've been hurt. I want to encourage you not to let your hurt keep you from going deeper with the people you value. Learn from it, grow from it and let your life stay open to those around you.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Seize the Day!

This Sunday afternoon we piled all my family into our vehicle and headed for Midland. We had an evening with all my kids and grandkids. It was wonderful! Myself, my son and my son-in-law were all on the floor with my grandkids in a wild "no holds barred" wrestling match! It was pure chaos... and yet so wonderful! I looked over at Annette at one point as I held my grandson in my arms and whispered to her "we're so blessed." She just smiled and nodded her head. It was one of those holy moments when you get a glimpse into what really matters most.

I would like to say that I live my life at that level of awareness all the time... but it's just not true. Much of my time is spent consumed by my work, responsibilities at home and just pure busy-ness. The tyranny of the urgent often overwhelms the simple beauty of the moment and I find myself blowing through yet another day.

There's a great line from the movie "Dead Poets Society" where the teacher (Robin Williams) quotes a great author and says, "We wanted to suck the marrow out of life..." What a great approach to your day. "Carpe Deum!" "Seize the day!" Today, I have a simple prayer. "Father, help me to live aware of every moment... listening, watching, seizing every moment. May I not miss one beautiful moment that you have crafted for me today. Amen."

Have a "Carpe Deum" Day!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Loving God, Loving People, Doing Life

This the theme I have been thinking about for our church. It really captures what we're about as a church family on a community level. We have been using the theme, "Touching our city, reaching the world." I have liked that as well, but I'm ready to focus our mission to a more specific definition. Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you!

I've had a great day with my little girl, Rachel. She is 5 and we adopted her at birth. She is absolutely the joy of my life! I asked her where she wanted to eat... of course I knew the answer... "McDonalds!" So we headed off to MD's so I could grab a bite and she could play on the playground. She had a great time... so did I! I don't get parents who don't enjoy watching their children have a great time. God does that with His children as well. He delights in watching you have a great time! What an amazing Father we have!

Have an amazing day!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Some Questions for You

I've been in Fort Worth for the past few days. I had a wonderful time meeting with our regional pastors from Every Nation Ministries/Churches. I am so thankful for spiritual family. I'm refreshed and encouraged.

How are you doing? Do you find yourself tired, exhausted... out of fuel? Me too. From time to time I just run out of gas. I lose direction and my vision gets clouded. I'm learning to go back to my anchors during these times. For me, my anchors are my faith and my family. Everything else in life is pretty much negotiable... but not these two!

I'm asking... what are the anchors for your life? What is it that "centers" you and sets your feet on solid ground? I would like to know.

I need your help. Would you answer a few of simple questions?

1. Why do you or don't you attend church?
2. Is "church" relevant to your life? Why or why not?
3. What could your church or a church do to better serve you?

Be honest. I can take it.


Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Life of Faith

I'm teaching a 5 hour "Intensive" this morning on "The Life of Faith." It is part of a course for a two year Bible school called Every Nation Leadership Institute. It is an amazing course of study that is designed to take personal and corporate discipleship to another level. Our associate pastor requested that I teach this session because I tend to enjoy teaching about "Faith" in our church. I am looking forward to the interaction as we seek to bring believers to maturity in their walk with Jesus.

I struggle to find the balance between "walking by faith and not by sight" and pure emotional honesty. In an attempt to be emotionally honest and "authentic" I can undermine my "confession" of faith. I think there will always be a tension between these two truths. I must be poor in spirit before God, but bold and confident before man (as I walk in this world). Life is found in the tension between these two issues.

"Struggle" should not be a dirty word for a Christian. It is in the struggle and fight that we are trained and refined. I don't know about you, but when I have extended periods of peace (I actually can't recall one of those recently!) I tend to become spiritually lazy. For me, it's the struggle, the fight and the challenges that keep me sharp and growing. I don't like it, but it's the truth in my situation. Perhaps it is my tendency to take the path of least resistance.

So as I face a new day... come what may... I face it with great faith and expectation!


Friday, October 07, 2005

TGI...Any Day!

It does happen to be Friday... but to be truthful I am thankful for any and everyday! Are you a grateful person? "But Jimmy, you don't know what I'm going through right now..." Listen, all of us go through difficult seasons. There are times when things just don't add up; times when things don't make sense at all. I've learned that like a good West Texas thunderstorm, situations, troubles and trials roll in and then they roll out. In other words... "This too shall pass."

I tend to be a very thankful person. I've been blessed with good health, a great family and the ability to laugh at myself. That third one is a huge key for living "Up" in a "Down" world. I do take what I do very seriously, but I don't take myself seriously. What about you? Are you one of those tense, uptight, super serious types? Do you have a difficult time finding the humor in life? In Ps 16:11 we read, "In Your (God's) presence is fullness of joy." What a great line! Talk about encouragement. To be filled up with joy is a matter of staying in His presence... daily!

My prayer and desire for anyone reading these "ramblings" is that you would find joy and be thankful in the midst of your journey. Learn to laugh... especially at yourself... because chances are someone else is laughing at you anyway!

Pastor Jimmy

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A New Life!

This afternoon, a young man came to my associate pastor's office. He had another young man with him whom he had just met that day. He brought him to the church so that someone could talk to him about Jesus. Our associate pastor spent some time with those young men and in a short time, one of the young men came to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. Wow. The goodness of God expressed in the middle of a "normal-typical" day.

The Lord continues to focus me back to my primary purpose; to reflect His glory and to lead others to faith in Him, i.e. to be a fisher of men. I find whenever I move outside of this focus I am on shaky ground. A race horse is born to run. A hunting dog is born to hunt. I was born to reflect the glory of God that others might see Him, not me.

"And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord." 2 Cor 3:18

The problem comes when we want to "absorb" His glory instead of reflect it so that others might see. One is self-centered and limited, the other is other-centered and unlimited. In Ps 8 we are told that God has crowned us with glory and honor. Wow. What an honor! The crown of glory is to reflect that which He has brought our way, not exalt us as individuals. Now, I'm not talking about a "false humility" which is actually spiritual pride. I am simply saying that we must reflect all that He is so that others will see him and not us.

May we reflect His glory today so that others may see Him like a city set on a hill.

Blessings to You!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Rachel, Jimmy and Annette Posted by Picasa

A Word of Encouragement!

Last night I drove over to Brownwood, TX to attend a meeting at Abundant Life Church. The pastor is Rick McClure and the speaker was Duane Sheriff from Durant, OK. It was amazing! It is obvious that God is doing a wonderful work in Brownwood/Early. The church was full and the atmosphere was electric!

I had the priviledge of having dinner with bro Duane after the service and we were able to get to know each other better. We will be hosting him at MSCC Nov 6-9. I believe it will be a defining series of meetings for our church and our city. It was wonderful to spend time with old friends in Brownwood. I graduated from Howard Payne University and pastored in that city for a number of years. I'm so thankful for "Spiritual Family."

This Sunday Oct 9 we will be moving our services to Taylor County Coliseum for the Military Appreciation Day. It will be a groundbreaking service for Abilene and the Big Country. I believe the Kingdom will be advanced in a dramatic way through this gathering of many churches from different denominations and cultures! May all glory go to God!

Blessings and Shalom to All!
Jimmy Pruitt

Sunday, October 02, 2005

A New Day for Journaling!

I have been journaling for years. In fact, since 1985. I was a student at Howard Payne University in Brownwood, TX. I received a call that my mother had suffered a severe heart attack. During that two month period in the hospital I began journaling my thoughts as an outlet for my feelings. I've been doing it ever since. So it is quite natural for me to continue the process on this media.

I will be random and abstract at times. I do invite comments and suggestions. In fact that's what makes life interesting. Welcome to my little world.

I am a pastor. I love my job most of the time. There are moments (few and far between) when I dream of having a "normal" job. But I am a very thankful person. Grateful for the privilege of making some difference in this world. Are there any other world changers reading this? Perhaps I'm idealistic, but I believe that we all have a voice that needs to be heard in a positive way. Until next time... blessings and joy! Jimmy

You can also check out my church's website at I'm the senior pastor of this wonderful congregation.