Sunday, October 02, 2005

A New Day for Journaling!

I have been journaling for years. In fact, since 1985. I was a student at Howard Payne University in Brownwood, TX. I received a call that my mother had suffered a severe heart attack. During that two month period in the hospital I began journaling my thoughts as an outlet for my feelings. I've been doing it ever since. So it is quite natural for me to continue the process on this media.

I will be random and abstract at times. I do invite comments and suggestions. In fact that's what makes life interesting. Welcome to my little world.

I am a pastor. I love my job most of the time. There are moments (few and far between) when I dream of having a "normal" job. But I am a very thankful person. Grateful for the privilege of making some difference in this world. Are there any other world changers reading this? Perhaps I'm idealistic, but I believe that we all have a voice that needs to be heard in a positive way. Until next time... blessings and joy! Jimmy

You can also check out my church's website at I'm the senior pastor of this wonderful congregation.

1 comment:

C said...

What year did you graduate? Did you know my brother, James Deadman?