Friday, October 28, 2005

Ever Been Disappointed?

Have you ever been disappointed? If you're breathing and have a pulse you have been disappointed. The definition of disappointment is a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized. Yep... you've been there and so have I.

Okay, if we admit that we've all been disappointed and that we will inevitably be disappointed again, then we have to determine whether we will become "Bitter or Better." It's your choice. That's right... you're response to disappointment is your choice. No one can "make" you bitter. Yes, disappointment will come, but you have the power to choose your response.

So, who are you disappointed with? Most will be quick to name a parent, a spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or co-worker. However, some of us find ourselves disappointed with God. Now, what do you do with that? If I admit this one, I could get struck by lightening or even worse... what would others think about me?

I've been a Christian for about a quarter century and I've learned that God is big enough to handle my questions, doubts, failures, and disappointments... even in Him. Here are a few things I've learned about dealing with disappointment:

  • Keep a Growth Mindset - be determined to learn and grow from the situation.
  • Glean the Truth - "Teach me Lord through this, don't let this be wasted."
  • Choose to be Better - It's your choice... choose life!
From time to time I too find myself disappointed... yes, even with God. However, my choice to be better and not bitter has helped me to keep perspective in the midst of it all. It's like a buffer that absorbs the blow of disappointment. How's your buffer?

Rm 5:5 "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."

Have an Amazing Day!

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