Thursday, October 13, 2005

Some Questions for You

I've been in Fort Worth for the past few days. I had a wonderful time meeting with our regional pastors from Every Nation Ministries/Churches. I am so thankful for spiritual family. I'm refreshed and encouraged.

How are you doing? Do you find yourself tired, exhausted... out of fuel? Me too. From time to time I just run out of gas. I lose direction and my vision gets clouded. I'm learning to go back to my anchors during these times. For me, my anchors are my faith and my family. Everything else in life is pretty much negotiable... but not these two!

I'm asking... what are the anchors for your life? What is it that "centers" you and sets your feet on solid ground? I would like to know.

I need your help. Would you answer a few of simple questions?

1. Why do you or don't you attend church?
2. Is "church" relevant to your life? Why or why not?
3. What could your church or a church do to better serve you?

Be honest. I can take it.



Brian McClafferty said...

I was blog-ing about today and happened upon your page. To answer the question that you put forth about "What is it that keeps you centered?"... here is what I found. Honestly, I can tell people "It is the Lord that keeps me together threw hard times". To be honest unless you are speaking to another Christian who is walking with the Lord (and dare I say things like... walking in faith, victory or overcoming AT THAT EXACT MOMENT, the other person in their heart of hearts is thinking... “that sounds sooo empty”... and it does ...and it is… unless Jesus really lives... and you can and do have fellowship in Him. The best way I can describe this is to say, not matter how much ministry you do, no matter how much you see the signs of the Lord working in and ministering to/in others... nothing keeps me together, is the anchor like being in true fellowship with Him.

A host of things can be said about this fellowship, but I bring it to one simple and easily communicated point; I call it “The Touching Point”. What is this? It is the place that the Lord is working in, growing, and changing my life, personal walk and things near to me. The place I see the Lord, doing the things he does in ministry to others, right in my own heart, my own life… this is the “Touching Point.”

It is with this identified and tracked that I can say to others, “Jesus Christ lives today” without any reservation because I have seen His hand today… heard His voice… he has spoken, done, breathed on, nudged, directed, worked, TOUCHED me… and I am a witness that Jesus is alive. Without that, there is no ministry, but with that “witness” we “…cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20).

Jimmy said...

Dear manloosedathome,

I so appreciate your comment to my blog. Blogging is new to me, but I
thought that since I keep a journal anyway, I might as well go public with it. Perhaps it might encourage someone to have a more positive outlook on life. I'm so thankful that I have a living faith that is ever growing and developing. May you be blessed and encouraged today.


Anonymous said...

So, its 3:45am...saturday night...i came to the MSCC website to see if there was only one service (at 10) sunday morning or if there were two (9 and 10:30). I wasn't sure if the 'summer schedule' still remained or if we had gone back to two services. anyways, i don't have to work tomorrow morning, so i am trying to decide if i want to go to church or not. and then i found your blog and all of a sudden church feels personal. i am not sure if it is the late hour or a touch from God, but either way, i feel inspired to wake up in the morning and go worship with my family. thanks for your blog and when you see that girl who looks dead tired in the morning, it'll be me :)