Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Seize the Day!

This Sunday afternoon we piled all my family into our vehicle and headed for Midland. We had an evening with all my kids and grandkids. It was wonderful! Myself, my son and my son-in-law were all on the floor with my grandkids in a wild "no holds barred" wrestling match! It was pure chaos... and yet so wonderful! I looked over at Annette at one point as I held my grandson in my arms and whispered to her "we're so blessed." She just smiled and nodded her head. It was one of those holy moments when you get a glimpse into what really matters most.

I would like to say that I live my life at that level of awareness all the time... but it's just not true. Much of my time is spent consumed by my work, responsibilities at home and just pure busy-ness. The tyranny of the urgent often overwhelms the simple beauty of the moment and I find myself blowing through yet another day.

There's a great line from the movie "Dead Poets Society" where the teacher (Robin Williams) quotes a great author and says, "We wanted to suck the marrow out of life..." What a great approach to your day. "Carpe Deum!" "Seize the day!" Today, I have a simple prayer. "Father, help me to live aware of every moment... listening, watching, seizing every moment. May I not miss one beautiful moment that you have crafted for me today. Amen."

Have a "Carpe Deum" Day!

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