Sunday, October 30, 2005

Enjoying the Season

I don't know about you, but I enjoy the changing of the seasons. I especially enjoy the change of summer to fall... Cooler temperatures, falling leaves, football, and oh yes... Coffee tastes so much better when it's cool out side!

Seasons happen to us spiritually as well. We move from difficult seasons to seasons of rest and grace. I've made a simple observation about seasons; they come and they go. The old cliche "This too shall pass" has helped me to remember in the midst of a difficult season that another season is on the way. Just as environmental seasons don't last forever, so too spiritual seasons come and go.

I've been in a difficult season lately. However, the tides of change are swinging my way and I sense a fresh season of grace coming. I'm refreshed, hopeful and encouraged.

How about you? Have you been in a difficult season lately? Take courage, it will pass and a new season is on it's way!

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Eccl 3:1

Have an Amazing Day!


Anonymous said...

I have spent 2 years in a difficult season but the other night while Duane Sheriff was preaching, God turned the page and a new season is beginning. Thank you for receiving me back. I appreciate the love I was shown.

Jimmy said...

The love you were shown is real. The reception you experienced was real. I'm glad you were encouraged and a new season is beginning for you. Now its time for you to run your amazing race! You will win!