Friday, October 14, 2005

Loving God, Loving People, Doing Life

This the theme I have been thinking about for our church. It really captures what we're about as a church family on a community level. We have been using the theme, "Touching our city, reaching the world." I have liked that as well, but I'm ready to focus our mission to a more specific definition. Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you!

I've had a great day with my little girl, Rachel. She is 5 and we adopted her at birth. She is absolutely the joy of my life! I asked her where she wanted to eat... of course I knew the answer... "McDonalds!" So we headed off to MD's so I could grab a bite and she could play on the playground. She had a great time... so did I! I don't get parents who don't enjoy watching their children have a great time. God does that with His children as well. He delights in watching you have a great time! What an amazing Father we have!

Have an amazing day!

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