Friday, November 18, 2005

Having a Good Day on Purpose!

Is your day happening to you or are you happening to your day? Its different for me from day to day. Today, I've decided I'm going to happen to my day. For me, it means making a quality decision to attack my day with zeal and enthusiasm!

Like you, I have a lot of things to get done. Some tasks are menial and some have great significance. Its easier for me to give more energy to the things that are significant. But today, I'm making a choice to give equal weight and effort to the little things. I don't want to miss one moment of this day.

I've decided to do away with the "got to's" and embrace everything today as the "get to's!" Enthusiasm is not only powerful, its contagious. As my vision for my mission on this planet continues to get defined and become clearer I'm finding that it energizes and empowers me to work with more clarity and purpose. I'm more intentional and focused. I'm living life on purpose!

It seems to be catching with those that I work with and do life with. I tell you what... let me sneeze on you with this thing called "purpose" and perhaps you will catch the germ! I'm feeling very contagious lately!

Have an Amazing Day!


Anonymous said...

Hey There! I've got to tell you, reading your blog and listening to the sermons from MSCCA have lifted my spirit countless times. Thanks for all of the encouraging words, and all of your efforts toward helping people do the Life.

-David Browne

Jimmy said...

Blessings to you David! You're welcome and we will keep them coming! Thanks for taking the time to write and encourage!

Have an Amazing Day,