Sunday, November 27, 2005

Near Sighted or Far Sighted?

I don't know about you, but as I'm getting older (43 to be exact) my vision is not what it used to be. I recently had my eyes checked and the Doctor made this comment, "Do you wear bifocals?" I said, "No I don't." He then quipped, "You will." So, I just got my first pair of progressive bifocals. The world suddenly looks different. I can actually see details as I look at trees and signs that are far away. And reading! Wow, so that's what the texture of paper looks like! I'm discovering the value of clear vision!

We have been doing an "Extreme Makeover" on our church's mission and strategy. It has raised questions that not only apply to a company or an organization, but to an individual as well. Here are some key questions that might help you to see clearer:

What do I see in front of me? This is being near sighted. Be brutually honest and realistic with this one. Jim Collins says that we must be realistic about our current state in order to have a clear solution to bring positive change. Narrow your focus and give energy to what you do really well.

What do I see down the road? This is being far sighted. It's the big picture. Step back and be objective. Invite the input of those who you respect and who are wiser than you. I have been inviting the thoughts, opinions and questions of those around me lately and it is taking me to the next level. Beware, you have to have some level of personal security, because you are probably not where you think you are!

What do I want to become? This question must be forged out of prayer and a personal relationship with Jesus. Anything outside of this is "carnal" and "after the flesh." What is really important and what really matters?

What do I want to do? What are your dreams? What keeps you awake at night? What is keeping you from following your dream? Is it in line with God's revealed will?

Where do I want to go? i.e. in life in general. Not geographical location. Where do I need to go to accomplish my vision? What needs to change? Where do I need to change?

I hope this helps someone. It has brought clarity to our church's vision and my own personal vision as well. So, put on your glasses and let's get to work!

Have an Amazing Day!

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