Saturday, November 12, 2005

Running to Win!

Whether you realize it or not, you are running in an amazing race. Its the race of life. You have a lane assignment, a starting line, hurdles to negotiate and a finish line. In previous posts I've talked about the hurdles of disappointment and distraction.

Today I want to discuss "In order to win you must know where to begin." Most people have "Spiritual Writer's Block" in their walk of faith. They do not know how to run because they don't know how to start. I used to experience this problem in college when I was given the assignment of writing an essay or theme paper. When I could get the thesis sentence then the paper was effortless.

One principle that has helped me to run in my lane with passion and strength is "Clarify the Win." You have to define what's important and what really matters in a given situation or environment. For example what is the "Win" for your marriage, education, career, spiritual growth, leisure time, etc. If you don't know what the "win" is, then you won't be able to start the race. No target, no bull's-eye. No finish line, no direction. No goal, no score. No win, no clarity.

1 Cor 9:26 "So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step."

Here are three steps to "Clarifying the Wins" for your life, career, family, etc.
  1. Sum up your wins in a simple phrase.
  2. Keep your wins as specific as possible.
  3. Restate your wins frequently.
For example in my marriage my clarified win is: "Experiencing Life over Doing Life." In my career my clarified win is "Being a Minister over Doing Ministry." For my family it's "Quality of Family Relationships over Quantity of Material Things Gained."

I hope this helps. Clarifying your win will give you a target to shoot at and a finish line to run to. Be blessed, be encouraged and run your race to win!

Have an Amazing Day!

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