Sunday, April 30, 2006

Oh God, it's Monday!

You made the decision to get up early enough to spend a little time with God. You attended church on Sunday and are filled up with His Word and His Spirit... now it's Monday morning and you are beginning to feel the stirrings of dread and anxiety. Sound familiar?

We tend to say, "Thank God it's Friday... Oh God it's Monday!" I have learned to declare "T.G.I.M!" Thank God it's Monday! Oh yeah, sometimes it's a real faith deal! However, my words set the tone for my day and even my week. Our words really are "power containers."

It's easy to spend time with God in the house or in the church, but we still have to "re-enter" the culture i.e. work, the marketplace, etc. We can't stay on the mountain, we have to come down to where we all live day by day.

Jesus, don't leave home without him. As your heading out the door tanked up on coffee and running just a little too late, don't forget to take Jesus into your world. Here are a couple of hints as you hit the ground running:

1. Say What God Says About You! - speaking God's word over your day really prepares you to meet Monday morning head on. Deut 28:1-14 is a good starting place. Here's a snippet: "I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I'm blessed in the city and I'm blessed in the country. I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and not beneath!" That's just a sampling! Man, that gets me going just writing it out! Talk about prepared to meet the day head on!

2. Hold Your Head Up! - Know that God is with you and is blessing the work of your hands! He has put a "Favor Shield" around you! Think of it this way. There is a "F.O.G. (Favor Of God)" around you! Whomever you encounter comes into your "F.O.G" before you even get there!

Now, you are armed and dangerous! Promotion is on your life because you are saying what God says and walking in confidence! Now, let's say this all together now, "Thank God it's Monday!"

Pastor J

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