Monday, April 17, 2006

This Post May Not be "PC!"

"God's Way or No Way."

This was my take away in the Easter message that I brought at MSCC in Abilene. It may sound harsh at first, but it is the truth spoken in love.

We live in a culture that wants God on their terms. They want to feel comforted when there is tragedy. They want help when they run out of money. They want to feel good when they are at the bottom of the barrel in life. They want to know God is there when life deals them a difficult blow.

But, most people do not want to change. It's like we want "something" for "nothing." We want all that God has to offer, but we are not willing to come to Him on His terms.

Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Madonna, Oprah and Whitney Houston are just a few celebrities who have made it "hip" to be religious. Oh, never mind what "flavor" you choose, just do what works for YOU.

If that was the Truth, then this thing would be easy and we could all just "choose our path." However, the Bible is clear that the road is "narrow" and there are "few" that find it.

My question for you today is: Have you found "His" road? I don't mean what works for YOU, I mean what pleases God? Remember, you are not your own, you have been bought with a price. That price was the life and blood of the Savior, Jesus.

Come to Him on His terms... it will be life giving and life transforming! You will find the peace you are looking for. Joy will be yours! You will have the "abundant life" Jesus spoke of in John 10:10!

My heart goes out to all of you who are hurting, confused, and feeling lost. You need a Savior. Choose Him and you are choosing life!

Making a Big D out of God,
Pastor J

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