Sunday, February 12, 2006

This Says it All!

Originally uploaded by jnapruitt.
I love this motto. I don't even remember how it came together. It just sort of... flowed one day. It really is the heart and soul of our church family.

The first two elements, Loving God and Loving People are self-explanatory... however, the third element goes a little deeper.

I find it's easy to love God and love people, but to make a quality choice to "Do Life" together that's a whole other dimension.

Doing Life takes effort, energy, resources, time... whew! I'm getting tired thinking about it. Oh, and it's very risky! You might take some relational sniper fire along the way... but it's still worth the risk!

I'm about to get ready for church this morning and as I hop into the shower I will be praying that we as a church family can really Love God, Love People and Do Life.

It's worth the risks!

Have an Amazing Day!
Pastor J


Anonymous said...

Prayer needed... please pray.. your good at that.

Jimmy said...

Dear Anonymous,

I'm honored to pray for you in this very moment. Thanks for allowing me to come along side you and encourage you. I'm asking Father to bring the peace of God that passes all understanding. I'm asking Him to intervene in your current situation. I'm asking Him to bring a smile to your face today. Be encouraged, He has not left your or forsaken you.

Blessings and Peace,
Pastor J

Anonymous said...

Pastor Jimmy, I think we just did life together at the renewing the vows ceremony, and I just wanted to say it was awesome! Thanks so much for all that you do for us as a pastor and spiritual leader! I'm glad to be under your spiritual leadership and authority!!

Jimmy said...


Yes... you're right... it was all about "Doing Life." Thanks for serving and "Doing Life" with us! It was a joy to do something totally "out of the box" and not "church as usual." Come to think of it, we never really do church as usual! Thanks for saying Thanks!

Pastor J