Thursday, February 09, 2006

In the Zone!

There is a synergy that I find every once in a while. It's difficult to explain, but it's that place where everything converges in my inner life (sometimes the outer as well!) and there is... well... harmony. I'm a musician. When I hear a chord it resonates deep inside my spirit and gives me a sense that all is well.

This is what I'm trying to explain. It's that "feeling" that "it is well with my soul." I've been experiencing this lately... even in the midst of finishing our first house build, Annette's serious surgery/recovery and completely reorganizing our church.

I have to chalk it up to several things, first of which is a phrase that has brought peace in the midst of apparent chaos. It's a quote by Dallas Willard, "Hurry is unfaith." Simple. To the point. Bottom line. Accurate. That little quote has caused me to slow down and enjoy every moment. To live each day "on" purpose and not just "with" purpose.

The second is a great quote from the Word of God, "Be still and know that I am God." Similar to the first, but with much more focus on Father. It helps me to remember that He is in control no matter what the situation looks like from my vantage point.

The third is a quote from the late missionary Jim Elliott, "Where ever you are, be all there." I heard this one years ago and it stuck! It reminds me to focus on the moment and helps to minimize anxiety about the future... this produces peace, joy and contentment in the present moment. Be encouraged today and spent some time meditating on these simple quotes. May they produce peace, life and hope for you today.

Peace Out!
Pastor J

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