Thursday, March 02, 2006

Forty Days of Focus

The Lord has been calling me back to a season of prayer and intercession. I received an email from Bob Perry ( and he told me about "Facedown 40." It's a 40 day emphasis on prayer and spiritual awakening. So I'm doing it. I'm not fasting per say, but I am dealing with some "food" issues throughout this season.

For me it's more about "focus" than "fasting" in this season. I spoke with several pastors yesterday that are sensing the same call back to prayer and intercession. God does speak in themes and through multiple confirmations.

Perhaps you too would like to participate in "40 Days of Focus." I'm actually thinking about making a series out of it for MSCC. Is God calling you back to prayer? Are you sensing His leading you back to the "prayer closet?" If so, let me know by leaving a comment... I would love to hear from you!

Have an Amazing Day!
Pastor J


Anonymous said...

Pastor Jimmy, I can't hardly believe what I read. We too have been on a 40 day fast and prayer retreat due to food alergies and wanting to hear God better. We have 16 days left and believe we are hearing the Lord due to the fact that others are fasting in a simular way. That's cool.

Jimmy said...

It was Bob Perry from and Every Nation who told me about Facedown 40. I did not call the church to participate... this one is personal.

I'm not fasting, I'm focusing. It's been powerful and centering for me. Good to hear from a friend in Big Spring!

Pastor J

TKP said...

Pastor Jimmy,
I'm listening to your sermon "G.R.A.C.E." right now. Thank you for being a willing instrument of God, already this message is convicting and challenging me this week. Blessings brother!!

Jimmy said...


Thank you. That one was totally from a heart of conviction and passion. I love it when these moments of simple authenticity come. Be encouraged today.

Pastor J