Friday, January 13, 2006

Peace in the Midst of Chaos

"It's a jungle out there!" There is a lot of truth to that statement, however there is another element that we don't often recognize and it is this, "It's a jungle in here." What I mean is this, it's a jungle in our heart... in our "inner man." The longer I'm in ministry and serving people the more I realize how few individuals truly walk in the "peace of God that passes understanding."

We rush from activity to activity and event to event and in the madness and the chaos we tend to miss the "still small voice" of the Spirit whispering to us "be still and know that I am God." Dallas Willard made a short but profound comment in an interview with Jan Johnson. He said, "Hurry is unfaith." That statement resonated deep in my soul.

I'm one of those people who does not like to be late... anywhere! So I tend to get out the door early and arrive at my destination early. The other day I was running late... normally I would get bent out of shape and begin to rush (and speed) to get where I was going. However, I had been thinking about this statement, "Hurry is unfaith," and decided to slow down and savor the drive. The result? Peace. Calm. Joy. God's presence.

Are you experiencing the peace of God or the chaos of the Enemy? Slow down. Be deliberate. Be intentional... sensing God in every movement... making it an act of worship. Enjoy this moment and experience His peace and His presence.


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