Tuesday, January 17, 2006

In the Springs

I'm in the springs... Palm Springs that is! I am here for a national gathering of pastors from Every Nation churches and ministries. Yesterday was an all day travel day... tiring! We arrived at night so I was not aware of my surroundings.

I got up this morning and opened the curtains of my room and... wow! The view of the sunrise over the desert mountains was spectacular... the glory of the Lord covering the earth! It immediately set the tone for the day.

I'm here by myself. Typically Annette travels with me, so it's a bit odd not having my best friend alongside me. However, I intend on spending this week Practicing His Presence. I want to take advantage of this "alone time" to sense God in every movement in every detail. I want every movement, every act or deed done to be an act of pure and sincere worship.

More later.

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