Sunday, July 23, 2006

Just Pray Up! Keeping it Simple

I was sitting in a coffee house a number of years ago in Southern California and I noticed a small and unpretentious sign hanging on a post. It read, "Sit long, Talk Much." I was captivated by this little sign and I kept glancing at it again and again. It became a good distraction to me at that time.

For me, this little phrase captures the essence of prayer. In our tendency to complicate everything in our world, we have even managed to complicate prayer to the point that most people begin to wonder, "Why bother?" I mean, after all, if you haven't read the latest book on "Governmental Intercession" or "Spiritual Mapping" then your prayers aren't going to do much good... or are they?

I have a simple takeaway today: "Just Pray Up!"

I tend to take the simpleton's philosophy: K.I.S.S. - Keep It Simple Saint!

Here are some Keys to Keeping it Simple when it comes to prayer.

Keep it Short, Focused and to the Point i.e. It doesn't have to be long to be effective. In Jesus' sermon on the lake (okay, "mount" if you have to be religious about it... I prefer to be accurate) he tells them not to babble or ramble on in prayer thinking they will be heard for their ability to "Go Long."

I've been in some prayer meetings where it became a "Pray Off" between wild-eyed intercessors and insecure pastors. Let's see who can go the longest and thereby be more "spiritual!" Okay, now I'm getting personal... just stay on task in this thing. Our Father already knows what we need before we ask... just ask.

Calm down, relax and speak directly - It doesn't have to be loud to be authoritative. We tend to associate volume with authority. It's as though we are trying to convince ourselves of our authority more than the principalities and powers that we are coming against! When Jesus rebuked the storm, cast out demons or healed someone, he simply spoke the word and it was done. Why? Because he was confident of his authority so he didn't need volume... just speak to your mountain, don't yell at it.

Pray with persistence and conviction - It doesn't have to be lavish (over the top) to be powerful. My Nanny (dad's mommy) prayed for all her grandchildren to be saved for years... and years! Talk about persistence! Eventually I caved because of the effectual and fervent prayers of this righteous woman (Jm 5:16). Just keep praying even if you don't get an answer the first week or two!

Remember, "Sit Long, Talk Much." Keep it Simple. Jesus is waiting to have a talk with you.

If you want to hear this message you can go to and click on the "headphones" and it will take you to the messages page.

Keeping It Simple,
Pastor J

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