Sunday, July 09, 2006

How Big Does it have to be to be God?

For many it seems that it has to be spectacular or extraordinary to be God. Unfortunately we tend to miss God in the normal & mundane moments of life. When we discuss the Gifts of the Spirit there is a tendency for us to "default" to the big stuff... revival, spiritual awakening or a miraculous intervention.

But what about the fact that God is interacting in your affairs everyday... yes, even in the small things.

How is this for a "takeaway": It doesn't have to be big to be God.

I wince to think how many times I have failed to connect my "prayer requests" with the answers from God in the small things in my daily life i.e. an encourging note, email or phone call when I needed a touch from God; a smile from a courteous clerk who had no idea of the kind of day I was having; a seemingly random hug from my 5 year old that made me feel that all my challenges or "issues" were insignificant.

Here's one for you. I went to bed a 11:15pm and awoke at 1:30am. I never went back to sleep. Stressed?... no. Worried?... no. In pain?... no. I simply spent the entire night praying and thanking God for anyone and everyone He brought to my mind. It's not a big thing... I didn't weep and wail in intercession... I simply asked the Holy Spirit to bring to my mind anyone He wanted me to pray for... wow... that got my tired mind moving. It was a glorious night... and morning!

That may not seem like a "Big-Thing" but I can tell you for sure it was a "God-Thing."

I want to encourage this week to look for God in the small things... you know... the daily things. He's there. Remember, it doesn't have to be big to be God.

Enjoying God in the Small Things!
Pastor J

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