Sunday, June 04, 2006

Just for Today!

Current mood: Expectant!
Category: Life

Just for Today!

I don't know about you, but it's easy to get overwhelmed in life. Between overloaded schedules, workloads, family responsibilities, church life, friendships and not to mention the unplanned crises of life... whew, I can get overwhelmed very quickly!

So how do we deal with these attacks on our peace of mind? How do we live life on purpose and find meaning in our overcrowded lives? John Maxwell has a great take on this topic in his book, "Today Matters." He has developed what he calls "The Daily Dozen." It's a creed for living... it's living intentionally... because if you don't choose to "Do Life" then life will "Do You!"

Here are the first of 6 of the Daily Dozen!

How to Maximize the Moment: Just for Today...

1. ...I will choose and display the right attitudes - Today's ATTITUDE give me possibilities. See Mark 9:23.
2. ...I will determine and act on right priorities - Today's PRIORITIES give me focus. See Joshua 1:7.
3. ...I will know and follow healthy guidelines - Today's HEALTH gives me strength. See 1 Cor 6:19-20.
4. ...I will communicate with and care for my family - Today's FAMILY give me stability. See 1 Tim 5:8.
5. ...I will practice and develop good thinking - Today's THINKING gives me an advantage. See Joshua 1:8.
6. ...I will make and keep proper commitments - Today's COMMITMENT gives me tenacity. See Matt 6:33.

The great coach John Wooden often said, "Make each day your masterpiece." You see, what you do with the details of today will make the biggest difference tomorrow. You are sowing seeds today for a great harvest tomorrow.

Next week we will pick up and examine the rest of the "Daily Dozen" maxims for living. I have been reading, meditating and praying over these every day and they are having a tremendous impact on my attitude throughout each day. I hope you are blessed, encouraged and inspired by these as well.

Expecting God's Best for You!
Pastor J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.