Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Question for You...

Are you "happy" and content doing what you do? I'm referring to your job/career. According some stats I recently read, some 70% of all people surveyed are unhappy and dissatisfied with their current job.

I want to hear from you! What is it about your job that causes you to be unsatisfied or unfulfilled? What is it that frustrates you or causes you to long for Friday and dread Monday? I'm curious and I care. On the other hand, if you love what you do... tell us about it.

Pastor J


Anonymous said...

Pastor J, I am glad that you asked. I am not happy with my current employment. I am not being used to my full potentual. I also am not happy with it as it is very hard to make a difference with individuals who do not want to know or make time for God, "right now". Used to, I would not care except that I know that I am supposed to be sharing the good news. I hope that it is not me or my ways that are turning them off. Lord help ME! Thanks for letting me vent, David from Big Spring.

Jimmy said...


Everyone needs a place to vent. I want to encourage you that in order to Embrace the Dream, you must Embrace the Process. Like Joseph, you may be in the Pit, Potipher's House, or Prison, but the Palace (fulfillment of God's dream for you) awaits you.

God is working things "in" and "out" of you during this season. Realize it took Joseph 13 years of being "side tracked" from his dream. It may take longer or it may be shorter for you. Just know God is working on you during this time.

Be encouraged today... God's not finished. Submit to His Process and get ready for the Palace!

By Grace,
Pastor J